Save with a parcel delivery account
Save with a parcel delivery account
Talk to us about the benefits of a business parcel delivery account
Send over 20 parcels a week
- Save with competitive pricing
- Streamline with free, easy shipping solutions
- Get extra collections at your busiest times
- Enjoy free parcel collections when you use Tracked services
- Make the most of your account with advice from your Account Manager
Send over 20 parcels a week
Our Account Manager has been extremely helpful. I recommend Royal Mail - they're a great team to work with.

Use the UK's most trusted parcel service: 67% of online shoppers believe Royal Mail is the most reliable delivery brand*
Our parcel shipping solutions make sending parcels easy. Streamline your business with Click & Drop, Pro Shipping, Bespoke or API Shipping
From marketplace sellers to large corporations, from SamedayTM or next-day delivery to economy options - we design a courier service to suit you
A dedicated Account Manager makes sure you are getting the most out of your account, including extra collections and additional support at your busiest times
*Based on stats from 26 March-28 October 2018
**Delivery Matters, Trinity McQueen, 2018
Terms & conditions apply